Tuesday 10 December 2013

Message from the Designers: The Aliens Created Man

You heard it before in the bible, on tv and in your heart. You know deep down that we came from a land far away.

Friday 26 July 2013

Having Fun Going Viral

It took a couple of kids to show the rest how to party but the message was finally brought home lol

Friday 28 June 2013

More Cyclists Dying On Our Roads?...Should Cyclists Take a Cycling Test To Ride On Public Roads?

I use both 4 wheel and 2 wheel transport (not to mention my no wheeled hyper-dive back on my planet) so I think I can add a valid argument here.  It is a very scary experience for drivers having to be constantly aware of the cyclist in front. It may have been the full moon or just me being unlucky but on my way home from a pal's the other day(8 minute journey), a cat ran out in front of me, a drunk cyclist swerved in front of me on Stoke Newington Church Street only to wave me through and then swerve back in front of me when I decided to err on the side of caution. I finally found a very wide part of the road with no oncoming traffic in which to overtake him.  I'm nearly home and beginning to feel relief that I wont be killing anyone tonight when a seemingly normal cyclist darted in front of me for no apparent reason...what reason could he have had? There were no roads or even houses for that matter. Just a fenced park. I did make it home that night without a scratch on me, my car or anyone else but these are not isolated incidents; a lot of cyclists put too much trust in the driving skills of others.

As a cyclist, I am always aware of my immediate surroundings and try to be aware of the intentions of the drivers around me. I am only too aware of the damage a car can do to a person and their bicycle. A couple of weeks ago I came across an accident scene on Stoke Newington's Albion Road. A car was completely on the pavement. I could see a bicycle underneath it and to my horror there was a person's leg visible. It took the combined efforts and expertise of the Paramedics, Fire Brigade and Police Service to tend to the victim. I came along as they were cordoning off the scene with police tape and it took me 30 minutes to turn around and find another way. In that time, they still hadn't lifted the car off the cyclist's chest. If the government passed a bill today that all cyclists need to have a license to ride on public roads, I would be one of the first to get one. It will most certainly save lives if every cyclist took a safety and awareness test.

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Friday 21 June 2013

X-Box One DRM Restrictions Overturned

When we heard about X-Box One needing to be plugged in continuously, we all freaked in my circle. Its great news that we don't need to plugged in to the net every time we want to play. Now its time for them to drop the price. £429 is far too much for the European market...especially seeing its only $499 in the USA. Anyway, watch the video and see what the guys at CVG think.

Monday 10 June 2013

Neuroscience's new tech: RoboRoach-The Robot Cockroach

At first glance it all looks a little gimmicky and pointless but this is the same technology that helped us to understand diseases like Parkinson's disease and in cochlear implants. These kits are aimed primarily at schools to teach schoolchildren how the brain works.

TEDGlobal- The Technology, Entertainment and Design conference are unveiling the cyborg roach as one of the available technologies  at this year's 'Think Again' themed conference.

The RSPCA have rightly shown concerns over the dismantling of cockroaches and implanting these devices onto their backs becoming encouraging to children to do the same. The neuroscientists say they are "pretty certain" that this does not impose pain on the creatures. "Pretty certain" is not very certain.

The whole point of the project is to create a tool that will help us to understand how the brain works. The neuroscientists say that the insects adapt very quickly and ignore the stimulation showing they still have free will...I don't know so much, myself...What do you think?

It all seems a bit too cruel if you ask me. 

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Friday 7 June 2013

Comet Flies Into Your Sun's Solar Corona

Earth's spacecraft have never been through the Sun's Solar Corona so earth folk haven't been able to study it before as it has been unobserved until now.

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On the 15th December, 2011 the comet flew through the Sun's corona and scientists noticed the tail of the comet being pulled about violently. This has enabled them to characterize the magnetic force of the Sun from close up for the first time...exciting stuff!

But why has it taken so long to bring the data to the people of earth?

I would love to show you some holiday snap shots I took when passing through the Sun on my way to Earth but have been forbidden by NSA, CIA, MI6, MOSAD and many others so I'm afraid I will have to maintain that I am a nut job blogging about having delusions of being an alien.

More exciting news to come folks so stay tuned!

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Tuesday 4 June 2013

The contents of your brain uploaded to YouTube!

OK...not quite yet but -as this video courtesy of SciShow reveals- scientists have decoded the brains signals and translated them to images. The implications are massive.  Imagine having a dream and being able to watch it back later that day... Having advertisements streamed to people while they sleep...YIKES!!!!

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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Risk of Dying from Operation is Greater on Friday

For all those of you who are calling their hospitals to re-schedule their surgery days, I wouldn't worry about it to much. The latest figures were compiled from over 4 million elective (planned) procedures conducted in NHS hospital in England between the years 2008 and 2011. From those 4 million, just over 27.5 thousand deaths were recorded. That's an overall mortality rate of 0.67%. Doesn't sound so bad now...huh?

However-Yes, there is a "However."-Researchers found that there is a significant risk of death as the week progresses. Patients who have their operation on Friday are 44% more likely to die within the next 30 days and patients who have their operations on Saturday are a staggering 82% more likely...showing evidence of the weekday effect. The causes of this weekday effect are still not known. You could say that surgeons get more dangerous as the week wears on but there is no evidence to support that. There is the fact that hospitals are overworked on the weekends and the 2 days after surgery are said to be the most critical. That would be a lot more plausible. Whatever the reason for these statistics, remember the findings still show a mortality rate of less than 1%.  We all know the risks of going under the knife and we accept that because the risk of dying is greater without surgery. Most of these deaths may have been inevitable.

 I shudder to think what the ambulance chasers will make of these figures. Even more frightening is how will they react to this?

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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Osborne promises £11.5 Billion savings for 2015...

A penny off a pint of beer, fuel duty rise is scrapped, 'a tax off jobs' as small businesses are to be given help with employment allowance, income tax threshold to rise to £10,000 and Mr Osborne is promising savings of £11.5 Billion...

Where is the money coming from?

 George Osborne on BBC Breakfast this morning sits there with poker face while he promises us a saving of £11.5 Billion. This is very conveniently set for 2015 (after the next general election). It sounds to me like a lot of hot air. He promises to protect the NHS and school budgets. Guess what? He never mentioned the un-employed.

  Where is the money coming from, Mr Osborne? 

The Office for Budget Responsibility are projecting rises in the country's GDP over the next 2 years. 1.8% and 2.3% respectively with a further rise to 2.7% and 2.8% in the years 2016 and 2017. they're also predicting a rise in employment with over 1/2 million jobs more than last year. Borrowing to fall and inflation meeting the 2%. All of this looks very promising on paper but that is all it is-predictions on paper. I did not hear any facts to back up these claims. He may as well have said that the second coming will be here to bring an end to poverty worldwide.

What do you take us for, Mr Osborne?

 Name dropping support from key members of the cabinet: Eric Pickles, Ed Davey and Chris Grayling is not enough to convince me that you're not feeding me with a last minute bid to win fast losing votes. This is what I believe the chancellor is doing. He is on a mission to repair the damage of the last 3 years of harmful quick plaster fixes. The government are desperate for money and they're covering this up with outlandish claims of recovery. Why else would they consider lifting the arms embargo on Syria? They say that its to arm the opposition to Assad. I didn't know you cared?

Read more on the BBC News Report here

Friday 24 May 2013

Sisa Pt 2: Educate Yourself So That You May Educate Your Children

Little is known about 'The Scariest Drug on Earth.' It fills the user with uncontrollable rage. The Greek police are sending the problem out of Athens to Exarchia and creating the worst kind of ghetto imaginable. A ghetto where there is no law, no stability, filled with 100s of crazed drug users fuelled by the rage induced by Sisa.

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Sisa: The new killer drug emerging on the streets of Europe.

These poor, poor people do not stand a chance in hell at a good life if they will endanger their lives by taking a substance they know nothing about. It pains my heart to see these people so desperate to escape the realities of life that they will kill themselves in the pursuit of euphoria.

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Monday 8 April 2013

So This Is Earth!

So this is Earth! I here they're a funny lot down there! May as well explore since its the only thing in this backwater, out-of-the-way, bumpkin part of Space